Fully Cloud-Based Platform

Built with the most modern and sophisticated development tools, allowing unparalleled convenience, reliability and peace of mind

Cloud-based system, Brower-based (Web-based) Delivery, hosted and encrypted by Amazon Web Services’ global network

You will have access to our automated and comprehensive system from anywhere, anytime in the world 24x7.

All data is fully secured by multi-server Amazon Web Services, guaranteeing high speed access without interruption to your business.

The web-based system means you can use the system from any device with internet access, installation-free from your internet browser and zero costs for hardware. You will be able to receive and send data to your customers, their overseas buyers and suppliers which will be integrated into the system.


Quebera’s cloud-based system is built using the most advanced development tools, and provides enormous opportunities to everyone – whether you are a large multi-national or a medium to small business.

Quebera provides a comprehensive Freight Forwarding and Customs Clearance solution using Amazon Web Services (AWS), and are hosted on their global network. You will have access to our Systems 24 x 7 from anywhere with peace of mind that your data is well-secured and protected by AWS.

We can expand our capacity, relocate or install new servers anywhere in the world to enable faster access to additional users in any country, all in a matter of a few hours, and most importantly without any additional costs to you.

Quebera operates on a fully web-based platform for you and your clients.

Rapid installation timeline and scalable pricing

For full system features, ask for our Sales Brochure.

Our system is built with 35 years of knowledge and reputation in the International Freight Forwarding community. Hosted securely on Amazon WS and uses Cloud-based technology for real-time access to data and live updates for your customers and agents

To discuss our fully comprehensive system you can also contact us via phone or email

(612) 9958-7921